Shipping Information

  • Most USA-based orders are shipped directly from our warehouses within 24-48 hours for your convenience and maximum efficiency.
  • Your product should arrive within 3 - 7 Business Days.
  • All International (non-USA) orders incur a $25 shipping charge, are shipped via standard US Mail, and may take 2-3 weeks to arrive.


We want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase and we stand behind all of the products that we sell. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, you can choose between a full refund (minus any shipping charges) or a replacement product.

Here are some important guidelines regarding our return policy:

    • All returns must be sent back within 30 days of purchase and
    • must be in new condition and in their original packaging and shipping fees are the responsibility of the customer.
    • All returns require an authorization, which can be obtained by emailing us at INFO@CREATIONS4THEPEOPLE.COM
    • Please do not send back your product before you have received an authorization.                                                                             Shipping Address for Returns:                                               CREATION 4 THE PEOPLE                                                               Attn: Returns                                                                                       6701 KOLL CENTER PARKWAY.                                             PLEASANTON, CA 94566